Tenerife's Weather in May

Mean Daily Maximum Temperature: 25°C
Mean Daily Minimum Temperature: 15°C
Sea Temperature: 20°C
Temperature on Hot Days: 30°C
Temperature on Cold Nights: 12°C
Hours of Sunshine Per Day: 9 Hours
Total Sunny Days in a Month: 4.4
Partially Cloudy Days in a Month: 24.4
Total Rainfall in a Month: 2mm/0.8 Days

Temperatures for the island rise to a mean daily maximum of 25°C and a minimum mean temperature of 15°C.

An estimated 2mm of rain falls over 0.8 days in May, with 24.4 of those days being partially cloudy and an estimated 4.4 days sunny.

The island in May gets 9 hours of sun each day and the sea stays at 20°C.  

This is based on MeteoBlue’s climate data for Tenerife at the time of writing.
