Tenerife's Weather in March

Mean Daily Maximum Temperature: 23°C
Mean Daily Minimum Temperature: 14°C
Sea Temperature: 19°C
Temperature on Hot Days: 29°C
Temperature on Cold Nights: 10°C
Hours of Sunshine Per Day: 7 Hours
Total Sunny Days in a Month: 4
Partially Cloudy Days in a Month: 22.5
Total Rainfall in a Month: 19mm/3.7 Days

It starts to warm up and temperatures are now a mean daily maximum of 23°C, with Tenerife South being warmer than the North.

An estimated 19mm of rainfall falls within 3.7 days of this month, with 22.5 of those days being partially cloudy and an estimated 4 days sunny.

Tenerife gets 7 hours of sunshine a day at this time of year and the sea is 19°C.

This is based on MeteoBlue’s climate data for Tenerife at the time of writing.
